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†Each 39 g serving (2 scoops) provides the equivalence of 1/2 cup fruit and 1/2 cup vegetable (volume before drying).

20 g of whey protein isolate - no added hormones, growth enhancers or antibiotics.

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‡There is no significant difference between milk from cows treated with rBGH and untreated cows.

2 servings of organic fruit and veggie - 1 serving of fruit (6.9 g dried apple powder) and 1 serving of veggie (5.1 g dried carrot powder) per smoothie.†

  • Gluten Free
  • Soy Free
  • No Added Sugar
  • 20 g Protein
  • 2 Servings Fruit/Veggie†
  • No Added Antibiotics or Hormones (rBGH/rBST)‡
  • Fruit Smoothie
  • 100% Isolate
  • Grass Fed Source
  • No Antibiotics
  • Just 140 Calories Per Serving

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Nature's Way, Alive! Whey Protein, Berry Creme Flavored, 13、7 oz (390 g)

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